International Star Registry Coupons & Promo Codes

International Star Registry Coupons & Promo Codes

For nearly four decades we have had the pleasure of working with and recording the names of stars for millions of people worldwide. We allow people to claim their own place in the cosmos when they attach a name to a star! Like the ancients before us people worldwide are moved by the stars in very personal way. Whether they would like to present a special gift to their sweetheart or create a lasting memorial there is no greater honor than writing ones name among the stars


Photographic Sky Image! Enjoy Up to 35% Off

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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31


Standard Shipping Starting From $36.00

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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31


Hand Calligraphy As Low As $12.50

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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31


Silver Start Ornament As Low As $29.95

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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31


Custom Star Kit As Low As $54.00

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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31


Deluxe Star Kit As Low As $109.95

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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31


Black Deluxe Star Kit As Low As $124.95

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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31


Ultimate Star Kit As Low As $154.95

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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31


Heirloom Frame Style Starting From $269.00

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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31


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EXPIRES: 2026-01-31

For nearly four decades we have had the pleasure of working with and recording the names of stars for millions of people worldwide. We allow people to claim their own place in the cosmos when they attach a name to a star! Like the ancients before us people worldwide are moved by the stars in very personal way. Whether they would like to present a special gift to their sweetheart or create a lasting memorial there is no greater honor than writing ones name among the stars